Showing 17–19 of 19 results

Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get A Life

This is the book that started it all for Larry. His first bestseller and still his most popular. This book has become an icon in the personal development industry and has been translated into many languages. If you want a self-help book that will wake you up or just know someone who needs to read the title, buy this book!

Grow A Pair

How to Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business, and Your Sanity
In Grow A Pair, Larry takes on entitlement culture, the misguided intentions of the self-help movement, political correctness, and more. This pithy, un-sugarcoated book of advice teaches readers how to reclaim control of their lives and their success by embracing personal responsibility, standing up for themselves, and being assertive in order to get the results they want.

What’s Wrong with Damn Near Everything!

If you think the world is a mess, you already have a lot in common with Larry. The genius and power of his simple approach to turning around the parts of your life that need it has transformed people and businesses all over the world. Now, in this wildly entertaining and informative diagnosis and prescription, he narrows down the singular virus sickening the four most influential aspects in our lives: the people around us, our education system, business, and government. The illness rotting them all out can be blamed on people ignoring their core values.